Advocating for Public Policies to Promote the Development & Production of Alternative Fuels, Renewable Chemicals, Biobased Products, and Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Alternative Fuels & Chemicals Coalition
Call for Breakout Abstracts:
Due June 2, 2025
Submitted breakout abstracts should describe the topic you would like to present at the AFCC conference, highlighting your argument, evidence and contribution to the historical literature. Abstracts are restricted to 250 words (or 1575 characters).
Notification of acceptance will begin in July.
All accepted presenters are required to register for the Conference.
The AFCC Program Committee Members will be reviewing all submissions.
Be sure to orient your abstract to the following five topics:
Biobased Manufacturing: Renewable Chemicals, Bioplastics, Biomaterials Creating a Cleaner Planet
Sustainable Feedstocks, Biofuels, Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), Food and Feed Products Driving Decarbonization
Renewable Specialty Chemicals
Synthetic Biology, Alternative Proteins, Regenerative Agriculture, Food & Fiber, Biofuels
Building the Biobased Economy Supply Chain, Featuring End of Life, Recycling, Biodegradable, Compostable Products, Certification, Carbon Intensity Manufacturing Labels for Consumer Choices
Answer the following questions in your Abstract
What is the historical question or problem?
Make a clear statement of your thesis or argument. It should be original.
What is your evidence? State clearly what you are using as your primary source material.
How does your paper contribute to the three subject matters and why does it matter?
Why should your abstract be important to the Program Committee Members?
Things to keep in mind when submitting your Abstract
Work to be concise, clear, and specific in your submittals.
Be as specific as possible, avoiding overly broad or overreaching statements and claims. Do not get sidetracked by writing too much narrative or over explaining. Say what you need to say and nothing more.
Keep your audience in mind. How much background you give on a topic will depend on the conference.
Your language should be professional, and your style should adhere to academic standards.
If you pose a question or two, make sure that you either answer it or address why the question matters to your conference paper – unless you are posing an obvious rhetorical question. Too many questions take up too much space and leaves less room for you to develop your argument, methods, evidence, historiography, etc. You are not expected to have already written your conference paper, but you are expected to have done enough research that you are prepared to write about a specific topic that you can adequately cover in 15-20 minutes. Prove that you have done so.
Remember that the Program Committee Members will be reading a lot of abstracts and will not want to wade through the unnecessary language. Keep it simple.
Make sure each sentence is unique, does not repeat information already given and that it contributes to the flow of your abstract.
The Program Committee Members do not need to be reminded of the grand sweep of history in order to contextualize your topic. Place your topic specifically within the historiography.
Single speaker breakout abstract submissions will also be accepted.
Use the form below to submit your Breakout Abstract by June 2, 2025.
All registration fees for moderators and speakers will be waived although all speakers and/or moderators are required to register.
Note: AFCC uses your contact information to communicate with you regarding the conference. We will never sell, rent, trade, or share your contact information with any other organization.